
Welcome to the link nook! I will be using this space to link to different websites and resources ૮ • ﻌ - ა⁩

but first, buttons!!

graphics, blinkies, and site decor:

tumblr blogs ꒰ lost sozai ꒱ old net treatures pixel-soup fruchtgummi mori girl deco pretty cool don't you think? keeyum webdollworld leafbuglove Sweet Party Kinoshitafuyou Pixels Galore Ducky graphicshoard666 Blumchen Cafe webgraphic Muffincha_n raaaaaauhrawr web resources cafe galactic graphix gloopycore Till Cami’s Aesthetic Blog yum deco melonet gifcitiesrequenter pixel princess pixel world Pixels Galore pixels! Engram Pixel kuurousa internetgif

other websites humunori Coco's Pixel Safari Fancy Parts Irasutoya Betty's Graphics Adrian's Blinkie Collection blinkies.cafe 99 GIF SHOP Jan's Graphics Lost Letters my pillow fort FOOL LOVERS gifs-paradise The 88x31 GIF Collection animatedimages.org GifCities boorinbubu justclickit Lailou Trouve Tout Cantinho Luma Gif & co... il magico mondo dei sogni Webcore Aesthetic Disney Fantasy ぱたぱたアニメ館 Hamster Cage moru milkcafe Appledust MAZEWAN Mirukuma A-pu-pu Pastel Hell omochya house FRESH SELECT CANNELLE Sweet Charm Asterism Bonnibel's Graphic Collection blanket fort Evelyn's Place Anne's Small Box chimaki's page Moon Cat nekoteya Mococo A R T W O R K Rachychel Sakura Dreams Treehouse kao-ani Peachie's Collection of Cute Stuff Sweet Room dream room maker Adopt a Stuffie Jossie's fotki Peke Gifs respect s33 freetempo

dig up web graphics OoCities 22,000 animated gifs

webdev resources:

RV's free Javascript effects: mouse effects and much more
Melon's Gallery Maker: make a gallery on your site with less hassel
FC2 Counter: a simple site counter with many cute designs
SCM Music Player: a music player that plays throughout every page of your site

music discovery:

Non-Bandcamp Netlabel Index : bandcamp is cool but so is non-bandcamp
The Vapor Vault: Internet archive eternal vaporwave vault
Discography Archive Internet archive eternal discographies
KWSK: Net radio with a ton of swag
The Myspace Dumpster: a certain farm boy's MySpace music archive
lostmyspace: recovered music from MySpace, it can be fun to search random words
Mydora: A continuous streaming player that dives into a portion of recovered MySpace music
winter's funky backlog: (treat it as a lucky-dip)
lighter emo pop: a list i made. you might like it if you're into emopop & electropop
nightcore for cuties: another list i made of cute n happy nightcore
music map: a nice visualisation of related artists
Video Game Music: download video game OSTs in mp3 or lossless forms

bun's software recommendations *all free and/or PWYW*:

LUNA: a simple text editor/note pad, in memory of Kumori's late rabbit Luna♡
Strawberry Music Player: music player and collection organiser aimed at those with large collections. my go-to music player with a queue feature I particularly like.
Electric Zine Maker: a printshop and art tool for making zines. i've spent 100s of hours on this thing, it has a good balance of features and limitations.
WACUP: a music player that replicates players like Winamp and is compatible with Winamp skins.
for digtal music hoarding: yt-dlp, freac, FreeFileSync and Mp3tag


Tiny Tools: open source, experimental, and tiny tools roundup
Wilbyb: archived early-web pages, many personal websites. could be fun to find unique pixels/buttons.
Music Hoarders Wiki: includes clear instructions for finding artwork, saving space, scanning media, and ripping CDs.
The MidnightPub: a cosy virtual pub
Free Lunch: list of free Windows software
Catland: Lewis Wain archive

other link pages:

Moo Like A Goat! cybervenus's Directory Internet Library Cyberdemon's links Floras.neocities.org Jasmine oldweb beanie baby sites